TSW Conference

The TSIA organization needed a professional evaluation of their main conference website. I started my review with an evaluation of the primary users and goals. I presented my findings and recommendations regarding information architecture, navigation, usability, visual design, and content. I also provided contrasting examples with a comparative analysis against other conference sites.

Homepage - After

  • Compelling graphics and better use of space.
  • Improved navigation framework.

Homepage - Before

  • The main graphic rotated dynamically but contained stock images which made it feel like a banner ad. I recommended using actual conference photos to reinforce the feel of a live event.
  • Primary navigation at the top gets lost. Quick links on the left are mistaken as site navigation.
  • Outdated style and boring content.

Breakouts - After

  • Content is engaging and easy to scan.

Breakouts - Before

  • Forcing users to choose a filter before seeing any content creates frustration and disinterest.

Events - After

  • Content is easy to scan, and the corresponding sub-navigation makes sense.

Events - Before

  • Too much text is overwhelming.
  • Compelling graphics and better use of space.
  • Improved navigation framework.